

I often ask myself,

"Why do I have a blog?"

It's probably to say, "Hey. I have a blog," more than anything because 9.5 times out of 10 I have nothing to say and the other .25 I have something to say but don't feel it's worth the bother to write it down. The last .25 you ask? That's this. That's my blog.

I sorta want to delete this thing. It's like I'm taking up cyberspace for my own selfish wants but then I remind myself that there are no rules to a blog. If I want to post one entry a month then one entry a month it is. Will it be less interesting? Probably. Will I lose some readers? Maybe. Will I lose a chance to gain more readers? Definitely.

But it's mine and that's all that matters. Mine to do whatever the hell I want with it and as of now I want to do nothing. Absolutely nothing.